The Lutheran Church
of the Good Shepherd

Celebrate in person and online.

Forgiveness, Life, and Salvation

At our church, we center our parish life around the forgiveness, life, and salvation revealed to all of us, imperfect and flawed as we are, through the incredible journey of Jesus Christ’s life, death, and resurrection. We invite you to join us on this profound and transformative path.


In our community, we are bound together by the love of Christ through the fellowship of his teachings.  We encourage you to be a part of our shared mission to spread the Gospel and delve deeper into the wisdom and guidance of Christ through thought, word, and deed. The Gospel compels us to make Christ visible in the world, witnessing His compassion and offering forgiveness and hope to all.

”On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand.”

As we stand firm on the solid Rock that is Christ, we recognize that all other ground is like sinking sand.

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